Peter Christensen
Senior at Stony Brook University
Honors Computer Science Major
Honors College

About Me
I am a senior honors computer science student at Stony Brook University. I first found my passion for computer science during high school when I participated in an internship for an applied math research group at Stony Brook University. It was during this internship that I was first introduced to programming, specifically C++. The experience was even more exciting because we were using the command line and programming solely in vim.
I’m currently a part time junior software developer at a tax grievance firm called Aventine Properties LLC. In this position, I’ve gained invaluable experience in how software development is done in the industry and how challenging it can be to update legacy systems. Currently, I’m working with other team members to perform an entire rehaul of the legacy application which both stores the information of millions of properties across New York State and performs analyses on them to determine which ones are most prime for a tax grievance.
I also enjoy taking time away from computer science related ventures. The background photo for the above banner was actually taken by a friend of mine when we were visiting Japan on a vacation we took in Asia. Hope you enjoy my website and feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions! Thanks again!


This is the poster I made for the STEM Festival I attended in North Carolina in 2019. I was invited to this festival after I gave a presentation to an Army Research Office representative about basic machine learning algorithms. The festival was aimed towards getting middle and high school students excited about STEM careers and real-life STEM research. I created a poster to very simply explain a basic neural network. I also created a small game using a convolutional neural network that could predict mouse-drawn drawings from one of fifteen different objects, ranging from an apple to a bicycle. This program was trained on the Google QuickDraw Dataset.

Along with several classmates, I contributed to making a website that tracks degree progress for Masters students at Stony Brook. We worked on both the frontend and the backend to create a fully fleshed out website. We used MySQL for the backend, Sequelize for the persistence layer, and React for the frontend. This was a semester long project that involves thorough planning including the creation of class diagrams, GUI mockups, state diagrams etc. The screenshot that you see to your left is the homepage for Graduate Program Directors who would use this website to monitor the progress of the students.

For my first software engineering class, I was tasked with developing a website for creating logos. I used the MERN stack in order to create this full stack application. The screenshot on the left is from the logo editing screen, where an already-created logo that was saved in our database can be edited again.
Contact Me
Phone: (631) 327-9207